If all things work for good for those who love God, what does that mean when a child is dying?
A childhood friend of mine has a son with serious heart defects. Three weeks ago, they headed up to Michigan for heart surgery with the only surgeon in the country willing to perform the procedure he needed to save his life. His recovery was precarious, and several days ago he went into cardiac arrest. He's been on life support ever since.
He's also the same age as my Ellie.
Throughout this, I've wrestled with the goodness of God, what it looks like when a prayer is answered, and why we live in a world where bad things happen. I'm still short on answers, but I did find a perspective that lets me hold space for both: God is good and sometimes bad things happen.
Read the full essay on Her View From Home.
As you can imagine, the Kelleys are facing substantial travel and medical costs during this time. If you'd like to contribute financially, you can do so here. And please keep them in your prayers.