big news

I have a pretty exciting announcement: I've been asked to join the writing team of Coffee + Crumbs! I really am over the moon - I might've screamed a little in my kitchen when I got Ashlee's (Gadd - founder of C+C)  invitation. C+C is a collaborative blog about motherhood, and these women are AMAZING writers (see this, this, this and this  ... really, it's all just fantastic). So of course, there's that little voice inside my head that's whispering I'm not good enough and  I don't belong. And maybe I'm not and I don't, but I'm here so I'm going to make the most of this opportunity! I'm going to write my little heart out and be as brave and vulnerable as I can be, so that maybe God can take my words and help someone else feel less alone by reading them.

Thanks for reading my words, for sharing them and for all the feedback and encouragement. It really does mean all of everything. I'll keep on writing here, but I hope you'll visit over at Coffee + Crumbs as well. I'll be the super excited one trying to play it cool ;)