Absence Explained

My intention was never to be a "one blog and done" type person. It certainly wasn't to necessarily be a daily or weekly person either, but nearly three months between posts seems a tad long. However, I have a good reason. Some might say, the best reason ever. A couple of weeks after my first post, my husband and I got a bit of news. It was the kind of news that makes it impossible to think about anything else, but it's also the kind of news you don't put on a blog right away. So, I was stuck in a position where there was only one thing I could possibly think to write about, but I could not write about that one thing ... until now.

So here's "the thing" - I'm going to have a baby. I realize that statement should be typed in all caps, with perhaps a huge font and some extra exclamation points tacked onto the end for good measure to accurately portray the emotions I'm feeling. However, I despise all of those things in type so I'm holding myself back. A lot.

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant, which puts me officially in my second trimester. Food is finally tasting good again and my husband takes exceedingly good care of me, so there's not much to complain about.  However, people are already touching my belly, which is awkward on several levels. First, I'm not really all that noticeably pregnant yet, so it's kind of like touching someone's stomach after a big lunch. There's no movement to feel (yet), so I'm not sure what they're going for anyway. Second, I'm not really the touchy-feely type. I'm pretty big on personal space, and yes I consider my belly to still be my personal space, even though there's currently another little person sharing those digs for now.

I'm equal parts excited and terrified about the impending arrival of Baby Batchelor. Mostly I think I'm still in a state of shock, where none of this feels real until I take another look at the ultrasound picture. And then, it's very, very real.

By the way, he/she totally has Jon's nose.